The Texas Longhorn Marketing Alliance is dedicated to preserving the dignity and integrity of the Texas Longhorn breed while serving as voluntary stewards of the Longhorn legacy.
International Texas Longhorn Association, its fundamental purpose is to promote the Texas Longhorn business. A primary reason for starting the association, and still a vital objective is the national and regional advertising and publicizing of the Texas Longhorn breed on a scale that individual breeders cannot accomplish. The ITLA Show Circuit also serves a role in this process, to the extent that it motivates breeders to excel while attracting new investors to the Longhorn industry. Breed research and education of both consumers and the agricultural community are all part of the ITLA strategic goal of "breed promotion."
The Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) is a nonprofit organization working to protect the integrity of the Texas Longhorn by providing guidelines for desirable breeding practices, promoting public awareness of the breed, advancing the scientific knowledge of historical and future breeding practices, recognizing breeders and increasing the number of breeders registered with the organization. It’s our goal to preserve the legacy and distinct characteristics of the Texas Longhorn while ensuring its purity and posterity.
www.gandgtexaslonghorns.comG&G Longhorns located in Catlett, Virginia: we're about the animal that can hold up their end of the bargain, where each generation they produce is better then their own. Substance, milking ability, producing ability, and HORN. Bear Davidson is the ranch manager and has been the in the Longhorn industry his entire life.
I would like to thank Bear Davidson of G&G Texas Longhorns for all of his help and assistance in starting my Texas Longhorn ranch. Without his encyclopedic knowledge and help, I would of never had the courage to begin this endeavor. I was amazed the first time I e-mailed Bear a question, having never met him before, and having a response within 5 minutes.
www.doublehlonghornranch.comDouble H Ranch: is located in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia about an hour and a half from Washington D.C. Though, we are relatively new to the Longhorn world we have quickly become very passionate about the breed and also the many wonderful people we have become friends with through the cattle.
www.talleylonghorns.comTalley Longhorns: thanks for taking the time to view our Longhorn Herd. We're excited and proud to be raising Texas Longhorns here in Maryland. Our goal is simple, to enjoy and learn so that we breed for quality and the future of Texas Longhorn generations. We plan to breed by artificially inseminating our females with great bulls while continuing to acquire cows with solid genetics to enhance our herd.
www.eastwindcattle.comEastwind is basicly Bear Davidson's consulting services and the programs that he works with. Bear Davidson is the ranch manager for G&G Longhorns and has been in the industry his entire life. Eastwind does the same things Bear has always done- helping programs in the big picture and keep them in the industry with success.